The Learning Starts Here

You might have a TEFL certificate or a CELTA, but trust me, you are no ready.  Nothing they teach you on a short course can prepare you for teaching a group of primary school children.

I found this out the hard way.

The first time I opened the door to a classroom and walked in, 32 pairs of 7 year old eyes stared at me in silence.  And I was terrified.

The class was two hours long, and I have no idea how I survived.


Qualified Teacher. Dad (Unqualified).

Mike Jakubowski

Hi there, I'm Mike.  I've been an English teacher for over 12 years in three different countries. From overcrowded classrooms with no materials, to international schools with iPads and smartboards, I've taught in some diverse places with some very interesting students. I observed hundreds of lessons in dozens of schools and met thousands of students. I talk to newly qualified teachers all the time and have supported hundreds of people on their first steps on the ladder of building a successful career teaching English abroad. This course is designed to help anyone who is about to start teaching in a K-12 setting for the first time.  You might have taken the CELTA or online TEFL course already which was enough to get you the job, but this course is filled with all the practical day-to-day tricks, tips and tools you'll need to thrive, not just survive, in your first week in the job.

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    • Grammar and Tense Top-Up Revision Booklet

    • Image Swipe File For Speaking Activities and Vocabulary

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